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September - boy that is hard to write, I can't believe we are almost to the fourth quarter of 2014 already. We are excited to share a short we star in that is available mid-flight on Virgin airlines, and a taste of fall, with Yuri's sassy peach & nectarine cobbler - which is sure to invite both longer summer days and cooler fall nights with every bite. And in proper back-to-school style, Yuri and I are hunkering down with pen & paper (ok, computer and keyboard) and doing own own version of homework. I hope this fall is bountiful for each of you!
Tara :) (&Yuri)
Yuri Lowenthal & Tara Platt: Raise Your Voice (Acting)!

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I am so very excited that it is March, and not just 'cause that means a Happy Birthday to Sir Yuri, who I am just so happy was born and is in existence. Birthdays in general bring me joy! My own goal this year is to take more time for myself and practice meditation and yoga more frequently (which I am pleased to report I have been implementing). I am doing a personal 365 Project on self love and I even got all woo-woo and did a 10 day International EFT Summit, on energy meridians and moving emotions and limiting beliefs stuck in the body! Hooray for space in life to pursue self-care!
Tara :) (&Yuri)
Yuri Lowenthal & Tara Platt: Raise Your Voice (Acting)!

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The holidays are just around the corner, and it is the perfect time to get retrospective on your life (things planned, things changed, things ahead)... Shelf Life is coming to a close (pre-order those DVD's now - you won't want to miss the bonus eps!) and new things are on the horizon. Remember, an outward network is just as important as your neural network so as you engage with friends and family this holiday season, try to treat yourself to some brain work as well! We are planning to rest and relax (and adventure a bit) for our holiday trip to Southeast Asia. Enjoy getting clear with your plans for the future and relish the holiday season as we dive into a new year!
Tara :) (&Yuri)
Yuri Lowenthal & Tara Platt: Raise Your Voice (Acting)!

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Hello friends,
Mahalo (the Hawaiian word for thanks) seems appropriate this March already. Spring is starting to bloom and Shelf Life Season 4 is in full swing as of today, March 5th! (we hope you are enjoying it), Tara is appearing in her first big screen flick The Call and we just returned from Hawaii where we shot an episode of Hawaii Five-0 together and also got some playtime for hikes and get-togethers with friends on the island. We are filled with gratitude and love; may we all have a bit more Mahalos in our March.
Tara :) (&Yuri)
P.S. - Today is Yuri's Birthday, so if you see him (or just "see" him online) wish him a happy happy!
Yuri Lowenthal & Tara Platt: Raise Your Voice (Acting)!

Click to read the newsletter: A Mahalo March from Tara and Yuri: March 2013
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Can you believe it's 2012 already!? I certainly can't. Last year was a whirlwind and I expect this year to be just as exciting. We have plans for films, more episodes of Shelf Life and look forward to working on more fun projects.
I was so excited when Yuri surprised me with a weekend getaway to Paris for our anniversary! Bon Voyage, indeed! :) And then so relaxing to spend the holidays in Idyllwild and Desert Hot Springs for a little R&R.
Here's to thrilling and fantastic surprises for your year as well, and to surpassing your goals with your own New Year's Resolutions. My focus this year is on visibility (for our projects, for my work and for our company). Bigger and Better in 2012!
Tara :) (&Yuri)
Yuri Lowenthal & Tara Platt: Raise Your Voice (Acting)!
Read more:
Newsletter Jan 2012